Join the Revolution Meet Me On The Battlefield Websites for Pro-Life Action: Personhood, the Original Pro-Life Strategy – Personhood.infoWhy has legalized abortion not ended yet in over 40 years?The Pro-Life Generation laid the foundation for the Personhood Movement.Students for LifeOur Mission: Abolish Abortion in Our LifetimeSurvivors of the Abortion HolocaustAbortion is the evil of our generation. It’s our turn to make history.Abolish Human AbortionJoin the Abolitionist MovementBound4LIFEOur stand is NOT a protest. It IS a silent prayer meeting.Abort73.comAbortion UnfilteredStandTrueThis is the Generation that will End AbortionOperation RescueGenerations for Life (Catholic)CEC for Life (Episcopal) Rape and Incest: Why No Exceptions for Rape and Incest – An OverviewThe exception for Rape and Incest caused abortion to be legalized for ALL Unborn Children. If you legally devalue the life of one unborn child, you devalue them all.Choices4Life {FB}Restoring Honor & Dignity to Women & Children of Rape ConceptionRebecca Kiessling, Pro-Life Speaker, Conceived in – Pro-Life Speakers Conceived in or Pregnant by – Video Stories Resource Websites: Life DynamicsLive Action